How many more runs, climbs, hugs of the people you care about most do you have in this short, precious life? Maybe not as many as you think.
The Slowrunner’s Manifesto
Garmin Forerunner 210 Review: Great Toy After Replacing Lemon
EPA and DHA for vegetarians (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)
Everyone is talking about Omega-3s, but few people talk about the *variety* of Omega-3s and what that means for vegetarians. Short answer, you need EPA and DHA and algae-based capsules are the only vegetarian way to get significant quantities. That’s the same source fish use… but without all the mercury and overfishing.
New Rules of Lifting for Abs, by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove (review)
What’s Your Real Workout Goal?
Most people are just trying to feel a little less guilty. The shame is, they are doing the most ineffective workouts possible — not enough intensity to get the benefits from a short, intense workout, but not enough volume to get the benefits of an endurance workout. They are in the sour spot. But it’s not complicated to come up with something bette.
Lift Weights Slowly for Good Gains with Less Risk
How fast should you move the iron when you’re weightlifting? You can find experts suggesting everything from explosive movement to very slow movement. Years ago, a famous bodybuilder, whose name escapes me at the moment, was a huge proponent of slow lifting, but as is often the case, these assertions were just anecdotal rather than based […]