Owning Stuff

Her things own her more than she owns them at this point.

The Raised By Turtles Book

Yes, Raised by Turtles is a book. Why should you care? Because it’s green, obviously. And maybe other reasons.

Two Mirrors

The glass mirror and the other one. A reflection on long-term marriage.

Growing Young

There are times we grow old and times we grow young. This is about one of the latter.

The Last Update

A last update from a dear friend and some thoughts on more versus enough.

1,000 Runs

How many more runs, climbs, hugs of the people you care about most do you have in this short, precious life? Maybe not as many as you think.

The Slowrunner’s Manifesto

A little something to remind me of why I run and what I run for in a world where the running media seems to focus on either training for races or long-term health benefits. The slowrunner runs to run and for no other reason.

Past Tense

Did you know that it is about as long between today and the bombing of Pearl Harbor as between the bombing and the start of the Civil War? I’ve collected a few other “midpoint” juxtapositions that, at least for me illustrate a tension between the past and my perception of the past. Thus, Past Tense.