There’s no stupider way to hitchhike than to stand by the side of the road with your thumb out hoping someone will stop. And yet do you see people do it any other way? Which way are you living your life?
You Can Always Yell Later
Ice Cream For Dinner: A Graduation Speech
Three Keys to Good Decisions
Stealthy Workplace Workouts
Office Workouts for the Uninhibited
Is Stevia Safe? Is it Good for You?
Stevia is the newest sweetener on the market at the moment. Many times sweeter than sugar, that means that it is considered a zero-calorie sweetener. Stevia is an extract from the leaves of the stevia tree and therefore is considered a natural product. But does that mean it’s safe? A word about the word ‘natural’ […]
The Truth about Cinnamon, Metabolism and Weight Loss
Numerous weight loss articles and forum posts tout the virtues of cinnamon, commonly saying that it increases metabolism twenty fold and is therefore a useful supplement for weight loss. Sorry folks, but this is wrong on too many counts to count! That said, the research does show that cinnamon has beneficial effects on blood pressure […]
Social Proof (Weapons of Influence, part 3 of 3)
We all know birds of a feather flock together, but we’re often unaware of how frequently we flock with birds of our feather. Even when we say we are uninfluenced, the opinion and action of the crowd often get us to behave in ways we do not expect and can be used against us to influence our actions through the principle of social proof. (part 3 of 3 in the series on Weapons of Influence).
Commitment and Consistency (Weapons of Influence, part 2 of 3)
Consistency and Commitment are usually good things, but what about when underhanded marketers or other persuaders get us to subtly commit ourselves before we know what they’re after and then play on our desire to be consistent with our commitments? This is used against us every day. (Part 2 of 3 in the series on Weapons of Influence).