Mentor, friend and inspiration. Bob is and will be missed. It was a privilege to know him, study under him and work with him.
The Devil and the Consistory Never Sleep (Geneva, 1554-1556)
Bilingual street fight (Geneva, 1557)
Setting the Price of Wine in Geneva, 1556
Bathroom Reading Habits (Geneva, 1561)
The Courting Stick
Omron HBF-306C and HBF-510W Body Fat Analyzer Accuracy: Good Measure of Body Fat or Not?
Should You Be Taking BCAAs?
Six Essential Skills Scholars Can Learn from Copywriters
Getting Things Done by Making Slacking Hurt
At a certain point this year I found myself frustrated and feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere on several different projects, while at the same time feeling like I was working too much and not having enough fun. I needed motivation, and I needed priorities. I came up with something that helps me with both […]